Elixir Water Tech Pte Ltd
Water Treatment Systems Specialists

Elixir Water Tech delivers customer satisfaction through attentive engagements with clients to ensure customised water treatment solution delivery, leveraging on the collective skills of our experienced water treatment specialists such as chemical, electrical, mechanical, and process engineers, chemists, and skilled technicians.
Elixir Water Tech, founded in Singapore in 2010, has provided project-based and customised approach maintenance solutions for various industrial buildings and factory owners by ensuring that their Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) meet their needs and local regulatory requirements.
We have been delivering and servicing numerous sectors from our headquarters in Singapore. We strengthen our position as a reliable partner by providing tailored, comprehensive, and appropriate water treatment solutions to satisfy the specific demands of each of our clients.

How often
should you
clean your cooling tower system?
Due to continuous operation throughout the year, cooling towers must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by water treatment professionals at least once every six months.
Regardless of size, all water cooling systems are prone to corrosion, scale buildup and microbiological growth. In addition, dust, sand and algae and other environmental particles that collect inside the cooling system can cause clogging, fouling and a cause reduction in the efficiency of the process. Hence, proper water treatment of your cooling tower system is essential to minimise the risk of corrosion, scaling, and microbiological buildup that can impair the efficiency of your cooling tower and may even require costly equipment replacements.

Why water treatment for your cooling tower is important?
A cooling tower depends on water to control heat transfer and moderate the temperature. In the process, the water that flows through the cooling tower system results in the buildup of biofilm and bacteria etc. Hence, removing them is an essential maintenance plan.
Prevention of Legionnaires' disease
Prevention of the deadly bacteria called Legionella is critical for cooling tower management. Legionella bacteria can multiply in the water of the cooling tower system. If humans inhale these contaminated water droplets, they can become infected with the Legionella bacteria and become infected with Legionnaires' disease. It is a depilating disease that can cause lung inflammation and may be fatal. For this reason, governments have regulations to ensure that cooling towers are regularly and properly treated to prevent this risk.
Maintaining Efficacy of Cooling Tower System
A properly maintained cooling tower system brings a host of additional benefits by extending the lifespan of your cooling tower system.
Save parts replacement cost and time
Cooling towers operate more efficiently when their systems are clear of biofilm, sludge and debris.
Water corrodes machinery and contributes to scaling,
which reduces the overall efficacy of the system but also compromises
its integrity.
If the corrosion affects the piping, it may leak or even burst.

Common problems of cooling towers
Fouling and Biofilm
A common issue is the buildup of biofilms on the surfaces of the heat transfer of the cooling tower. If left untreated, these microbiological deposits caused by fungi and algae result in fouling and affect the cooling efficiency of your cooling tower.
Dirt and environmental particles
A cooling tower is subject to its environmental surroundings; hence, it is exposed to dirt and other small particles. Once trapped inside, these dirt and particles may clog the tower's ability to cool the recirculation water.
Scaling occurs when the water has a concentration of dissolved minerals. Like biological buildup, scaling impacts the heat transfer surfaces in your tower and hence its cooling efficiencies.
Corrosion happens when water comes into contact with metal. Therefore, you must conduct regular and proper maintenance to ensure the optimal water pH level to prolong your cooling tower's lifespan.
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